RFP - Professional Administrative Services for Community Development Consultants #15821
Bidding Closed
Bid Date | 6/10/24 10:00am |
The City of Gulfport is requesting proposals from qualified individuals and firms for Professional Administrative Services.
RFP packets will be located at www.gulfportmsbids.com or an email request can be submitted to jversiga@gulfport-ms.gov
Delivery of Proposals – One (1) original, four (4) copies and one (1) digitally converted file (USB flash drives) copy shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly identified as “RFP for City of Gulfport Professional Administrative Services” and delivered to The City of Gulfport, 1410 24th Avenue, Gulfport, MS 39501 or uploaded to the Plan Room at www.gulfportbidsms.com
no later than 10:00 am CST on June 10, 2024 after which time they will be delivered to the selection committee. Any proposal received after the time and date stated will be returned unopened.
Questions – All questions regarding this Request for Proposals should be directed to Jessica Versiga via email only jversiga@gulfport-ms.gov by June 3, 2024 at 10:00 am CST. All questions must be submitted in writing; telephonic inquiries will not be considered.
A selection committee will review each proposal based on grading criteria to be published in the RFP document and will assist the City’s governing authority in evaluating the proposals and assessing the most qualified proposal. The governing authority retains the ultimate authority in making these determinations. The committee may develop a short list from which interviews will be scheduled and evaluations will be based in part on review of ONLY the data submitted in response to this request for proposal. Upon final selection and determination made by the City’s governing authority, a written contract may be awarded to the individual/firm whose bid/proposal is determined by the governing authority to be the most qualified and/or the lowest and best.
The governing authority will consider terms and conditions and factors relating to price, financial responsibility, technology, legal responsibilities as well as a bidder's or proposer’s “responsibility” concerning matters that relate to the prompt and efficient performance of the contract, including the bidder's or proposer’s honesty and integrity, skill and business judgment, experience and capability of performing the contract, conduct under previous contracts, and the quality of previous work, and a bidder’s or proposer’s customer satisfaction in prior or other contracts or projects, stability and solvency, and management experience in similar contracts, and any oral interviews with the review committee. The governing authority may consider any of the factors referenced herein in awarding the contract.
Proposals may be held by the City of Gulfport, Mississippi, for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days from the date of receipt of proposal.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to waive any informality. The City of Gulfport is an equal opportunity employer. The City of Gulfport is an equal opportunity employer. The successful firm shall adhere to the City of Gulfport’s policy concerning non-discrimination without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex, national origin or handicap.
Direct contact with any City employee, GRC Commissioners, including the Administration and City Council on the subject of this proposal is strictly forbidden. Violation of this paragraph will result in disqualification of your submission.
Publish in the Legal Section on: 05/12/24 and 5/19/24