RFQ - Engineering Services for Hydraulic Model for Gulfport's Water Distribution System #14550
Bidding Closed
Bid Date | 12/8/23 10:00am |
Company & Contacts
The City of Gulfport intends to employ a consulting engineering firm to provide engineering services utilizing a Cost plus Fixed Fee, Labor Hour/Unit Price or Lump Sum/Firm Fixed Price contract for the update of the existing computerized hydraulic model and provide modeling services for the water distribution infrastructure within the City’s franchise area. The selected consultant will provide all materials, labor, field- testing, database updating, model licensing, software and incidentals necessary to provide a fully updated and calibrated hydraulic model.
Upon selection, negotiation, and execution of contract, the City of Gulfport anticipates the duration of the consultant’s contract to be indefinite with the execution of said contract by January 2024.
Consulting engineering firms interested in providing these services may so indicate by furnishing the City of Gulfport one (1) original and one (1) digital in the form USB flash drive of their Qualifications which should consist of the following:
1. A cover letter specifying the name and complete description of project, the name of the project manager, and the location and address of the office to be assigned the majority of the work;
2. A resume for each principal member, the project manager, and employee(s) of the firm anticipated to be assigned to the project. Also, provide an organizational chart and list each person's experience and qualifications, including proof that the Project Manager is licensed as a Mississippi Professional Engineer and that the firm has met state licensure and certification requirements*;
3. A description of similar type work completed during the past five (5) years which qualifies the consultant for this work; the consultant’s cost and consultant’s schedule completion and actual completion of this work;
4. Provide any information to indicate that the team has the necessary resources, including available staff, to complete the project within the timeframe indicated above. The Consultant should indicate any other active and planned projects that any individuals, as listed on the organization chart (including any subconsultant(s)), are currently working to complete. The consultant should indicate how they plan to balance workloads to commit the staff and resources necessary to successfully complete the project on- time.
5. A response containing the information upon which the consultant will be evaluated; and,
6. Part II of Standard Form (SF) 330, Architect-Engineer Qualifications. This Form can be obtained at http://sp.gomdot.com/Consulting%20Services/Forms/Standard%20Form%20(SF)%20330,%20Part%2 0II.pdf
The City of Gulfport will evaluate the Qualifications based on the following factors listed in their relative order of importance:
1. The experience in performing the type of work outlined in the Scope of Work;
2. Qualifications of the principals and professionals to be assigned;
3. The consultant’s experience in working with projects involving public funding;
4. The extent of in-house capabilities of the firm; and
5. The consultant’s size and capability of available staff to perform this work in accordance with an expedited progress schedule, considering the firm’s current and planned workload.
The City of Gulfport reserves the right to select one (1) consultant or select a short list of consultants from whom more information will be required.
The City of Gulfport reserves the right to reject any and all Qualifications and/or to discontinue contract execution with any party at any time prior to final contract execution.
All questions in reference to this RFQ shall be directed in writing to jversiga@gulfport-ms.gov. The last day to submit questions will be December 1, 2023 at 10:00 am.
To be considered, all replies must be received in person at the Office of the Procurement, at 1410 24th Street, Gulfport, MS 39501, or online at www.gulfportmsbids.com on or before 10:00 am December 8, 2023. The Proposal should be submitted and marked on the outside as “Hydraulic Model for Gulfport’s Water Distribution System”.
Publish on: November 9, 2023 and November 16, 2023.
*Miss. Code Ann Sections 73-13-1 through 73-13-45 (1972) (as amended) govern the practice of engineering in Mississippi. Firms are encouraged to contact the Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors at (601) 359-6160 to ensure that individuals and firms are qualified to offer and provide services in the State of Mississippi. The Board’s web address is www.pepls.state.ms.us.